
funny horseEvery individual involved in the world of horses – be it owners, trainers, or riders across various disciplines – recognizes that the horse stands as the ultimate athlete. No other athlete invests as much heart and soul into both their partner and the sport itself. Within the realm of equines, we’ve witnessed the emergence of professionals such as equine chiropractors, equine physical therapists, equine nutritionists, and, naturally, equine massage therapists.

Equine Bodywork Therapy entails the therapeutic utilization of hands-on massage techniques, the evaluation of the body’s soft tissues and joints, and the management or prevention of physical dysfunction and discomfort in these tissues and joints through manipulation. Its purpose is to foster, preserve, rehabilitate, or enhance physical function and/or alleviate pain. It is a powerful modality used to reduce the risk of injury in athletes as well as enhance their recovery after an injury.

Equine bodywork can indeed play a significant role in achieving various therapeutic goals, including:

  • Enhanced Performance: Equine bodywork can help improve a horse’s overall performance by increasing flexibility, range of motion, and muscle strength. This can be especially beneficial for competitive horses in various disciplines.
  • Pain Relief: Equine bodywork techniques can help alleviate pain and discomfort in horses, whether it’s related to muscle tension, joint stiffness, or other physical issues. This can lead to a happier and more comfortable horse.
  • Stress Reduction: Horses, like humans, can experience stress and tension. Equine bodywork sessions can help reduce stress, promote relaxation, and improve a horse’s mental well-being.
  • Injury Prevention: Regular bodywork sessions can identify and address potential issues before they turn into serious injuries. This proactive approach can extend a horse’s career and save on veterinary expenses.
  • Faster Recovery: In the event of an injury, Equine bodywork can aid in the rehabilitation process. It can help reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and promote healing, leading to a quicker recovery.
  • Balancing the Nervous System and Muscles: Equine bodywork techniques can either promote relaxation or stimulate muscles and the nervous system, depending on the horse’s specific needs.
  • Relieving Muscle Spasms: Equine bodywork can effectively alleviate muscle spasms, reducing discomfort and promoting better muscle function.
  • Tension Relief: By targeting areas of tension, equine bodywork helps release tight muscles and promotes a state of relaxation.
  • Enhancing Muscle Tone: Equine bodywork can contribute to improving muscle tone, which is essential for a horse’s strength and overall performance.
  • Improving Circulation: Equine bodywork increases blood and lymph circulation, aiding in the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues and removing waste products.
  • Boosting Metabolism: Increased circulation can lead to an elevated metabolic rate, which can be beneficial for a horse’s overall health.
  • Enhancing Mobility and Flexibility: Equine bodywork techniques improve the mobility, flexibility, and suppleness of the horse’s soft tissues, such as muscles and ligaments.
  • Promoting Digestive Health: Equine bodywork can stimulate peristalsis and improve digestion, contributing to better gastrointestinal function.
  • Lowering Blood Pressure: In some cases, equine bodywork may help reduce blood pressure, promoting cardiovascular health.
  • Reducing Swelling and Edema: Equine bodywork can aid in reducing swelling or edema, particularly in cases of injury or inflammation.
  • Addressing Congestion: Equine bodywork may be used to decrease congestion, particularly in areas prone to blockages.
  • Managing Adhesions and Scar Tissue: Equine bodywork techniques can help break down adhesions and reduce the formation of scar tissue, improving tissue health and mobility.
  • Eliminating Trigger Points: Equine bodywork can target and eliminate trigger points, which are micro-tears in muscles that can cause pain and discomfort.
  • Improving Joint Mobility: Equine bodywork helps maintain and improve the range of motion in joints, contributing to overall mobility.
  • Promoting Symmetry and Balance: Equine bodywork contributes to a horse’s overall well-being by promoting balance in the body, improving posture, and addressing any imbalances or asymmetries.
  • Holistic Approach: Equine bodywork takes a holistic approach to horse care, considering the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of the horse. It aims to promote a state of well-rounded health.
  • General Benefits of Touch: The tactile nature of equine bodywork provides general benefits associated with touch, such as comfort, relaxation, and a sense of well-being.

​​​​​​​Each horse is unique, and the specific benefits may vary depending on the individual’s needs and condition.

Equine bodywork helps to increase the horse’s quality of life! Our sessions are created based on our client’s specific needs. During the initial session, we perform a thorough assessment through observation, review of the horse’s history, perform palpation and finally point work.

A regular maintenance program: Having a professional put hands on your horse regularly provides a good baseline and comparison from month to month. Plus, regular appointments help to maintain your horse’s flexibility, decrease muscle spasm, and reduce the risk of injury.

Pain relief: Muscle tightness can cause pain. Keeping muscles relaxed with massage helps to counteract that tightness so your horse stays more comfortable.

A non-invasive rehabilitation tool: Frequently, horses during rehabilitation get very tight with a build up of scar tissue. If they are on stall rest, they run the risk of their legs stocking up. Massage works well for breaking up scar tissue, making sure the muscles work correctly without compensating, and promoting blood flow to the legs.

Mental and physical relaxation: Whether you’re taking your horse to shows or training at home, he can become stressed and less willing to work. Relaxed muscles and reduced pain are a recipe to calm your horse. Which means he’ll have a better chance of performing at his best and you having more fun on his back.

Vertebral Realignment Manipulation Pain and stress on joints and muscles occur if vertebrae and joints are not moving properly. Vertebral Realignment manipulation in horses is a therapy that aims to detect abnormal function in your horse vertebrae and joints and return them to natural functioning and movement. Adjustments are required if a horse has either had an injury, or for maintenance. Something as simple as playing in the field, slipping on wet grass, improper saddle fit, unbalanced rider, improper training (where the horse is asked to move/turn more in one direction than the other), poor conformation and muscle tension can cause an area to require an adjustment.

Properly functioning joints and vertebrae provide support for the proper function of muscles, tendons, and ligaments in your horse’s body!


Irina - Equine Massage Therapist

Irina is a Certified Advanced Equine Sports Massage and Vertebral Realignment Therapist. Proud to be part of The International Association of Animal Massage and Bodywork / Association of Canine Water Therapy (IAAMB/ACWT) as an Individual Professional Member, Irina brings a unique blend of expertise and passion to ensure the optimal care and comfort of your equine companions!

Her business “EquiHelp” is based out of Ontario and covers North Bay, Sturgeon Falls, London, Middlesex County, Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Goderich, Grand Bend, Lambton Shores and surrounding areas.

Irina’s practice has included various forms of advanced massage techniques, scar tissue removal technique, lymphatic drainage, deep fascia and dura matter release technique, colic relief technique, hydrotherapy, stretches, conformation, gait assessment, saddle fit, vertebral realignment, and joint play techniques.

With a life-long passion for animals Irina is an animal supporter; she belongs to various charitable organizations and groups that involve the protection of horses and dogs. In early 2000 Irina rescued pregnant mare from slaughterhouse named Praha and owned these 2 horses for more than 10 years.

Her passion for helping animals led her to pursue becoming a Certified Advanced Equine Sport Massage & Vertebral Realignment Therapist, providing services for horses that make a difference in the quality of life they enjoy.

Irina will design each session specific to your horse’s needs. She will work closely with your veterinarian as well as any other horse-care professionals to ensure your horse is receiving the best possible treatments.

Each Bodywork session lasts between 90-120 minutes (depends on your horse’s specific needs), $120-$140 per session.

Let’s talk about how we can improve the well-being of your equine friend – please CONTACT us NOW!

Irina and Praha

Your horse will thank you!

Your Horse Will Thank You

Let's get in touch:

Equine Bodywork Therapy is not a substitute for proper veterinary medical care, but rather serves as a complement. Always contact your qualified veterinary practitioner for all diagnosis and/or treatment of serious injuries or ailments.