The Epiony Thermal Wand

Epiony thermal wand

The Epiony Thermal Wand is innovative lightweight portable source (just under 8 inches long) of direct heat. It is a hand operated device with 3 temperature adjustable prongs (from 36°C to 53°C) which can be massaged over certain muscles on the body. The device is battery powered and designed to be safe for use on horses. In addition to the heated prongs it also has an optional vibration setting to stimulate the neuromuscular system and an infrared light (630nm) to aid in stimulating the body’s own healing mechanisms via molecular signaling and circulatory modulation. These two extra features can be turned on or off while using the heat or used in combination with the heat therapy. Heat therapy will decrease stiffness, increase flexibility, decrease spasm within muscles and improve overall feeling of comfort. The thermal effect of superficial heat reaches a depth of up to 3cm.

The Epiony Thermal Wand is easy to use and very effective at aiding relaxation, relieving tension and reducing stress. It also helps in the recovery stages of injuries as well as in maintenance/prehabilitiation programs. The Epiony Thermal Wand is especially good to use around the saddle, the poll/neck area, on tight back and hamstring muscles.

The device is battery powered and designed to be safe for use on horses.

The Epiony Thermal Wand Massaging a Horse


  • Helps to stimulate the sensory receptors in the skin, which means that applying heat to any part of the body will decrease the transmission of pain signals to the brain and partially relieve discomfort.
  • Vasodilation – Circulation is improved by a sudden influx of nutrient-rich blood and oxygen being provided in to the area. This helps aid healing.
  • Helps to ease stiff muscles and improve overall feeling of comfort.
  • Reduction in joint stiffness – A decreased viscosity of synovial fluid is one of the main causes of joint stiffness. Heat encourages the synovial fluid to become more pliable, thus reducing stiffness.
  • The Thermal Wand is excellent at aiding relaxation and reducing stress.
  • Preparation for massage and/or exercise – The muscle tissues are warmed up using heat by alternating the bonds between collagen fibers in connective and muscle tissue.


The usual amount of time for a heat application is to 20 minutes. Typical recommendation for heat therapy is to delay application until at least 48 hours after injury. Contraindicated in cases with infection or neoplasia, where there is hemorrhage, altered skin sensitivity, burns, circulatory problems, or acute inflammation.

Thermal Wand Massaging Horse's NeckAt the start of each appointment, I do health checks to make sure the horse is healthy and begin the session by horse palpating to highlight areas where needs the most attention: trigger points, tensions, muscle spasms and any soreness. By applying the Epiony Thermal Wand to these areas, the muscles will be warm up to allow me to work deep enough and help to resolve any issues found.

I use various forms of therapies during the treatment to ensure that the session is both effective and enjoyable for your horse! There is nothing more satisfying than knowing that you helped a horse by making their life a little easier!