Equine Bodywork Therapy

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What Equine Bodywork Therapy Can Do for Your Horse?

Every individual involved in the world of horses – be it owners, trainers, or riders across various disciplines – recognizes that the horse stands as the ultimate athlete. No other athlete invests as much heart and soul into both their partner and the sport itself. Within the realm of equines, we’ve witnessed the emergence of professionals such as equine chiropractors, equine physical therapists, equine nutritionists, and, naturally, equine massage therapists.

Equine Bodywork Therapy entails the therapeutic utilization of hands-on massage techniques, the evaluation of the body’s soft tissues and joints, and the management or prevention of physical dysfunction and discomfort in these tissues and joints through manipulation. Its purpose is to foster, preserve, rehabilitate, or enhance physical function and/or alleviate pain. It is a powerful modality used to reduce the risk of injury in athletes as well as enhance their recovery after an injury.

Equine Bodywork Therapy is not a substitute for proper veterinary medical care, but rather serves as a complement. Always contact your qualified veterinary practitioner for all diagnosis and/or treatment of serious injuries or ailments.