Throughout equine history, horses were free to roam large areas of land. Horses have an incredible instinct to balance their regulatory processes and keep themselves healthy. Using their acute sense of taste and smell, they could intuitively pick and choose which plants were safe to eat, and which would treat their aches and ailments. Each …

Horse Leg Wrapping

Horse leg wraps used for the protection of the lower legs of horses during training, shipping, and exercise, as well as for therapeutic and medical purposes to support tendons and ligaments, to cover wounds. There are 2 primary types of legs wraps for horses, and they each have a particular use. Polo wraps: These wraps …

The Best Way to Cool Your Horse? Hydration.

Based on the article The Best Way to Cool Your Horse? Hydration from thehorse.com Various techniques can be used to cool horses when their body temperatures soar—for example, external cooling with water. But ensuring adequate hydration before starting a workout or competition is the best way to help minimize heat stress and dehydration. Horses can …

Heat Advisory for Horses

University of California, Davis, Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital staff members John Madigan, DVM, Dipl. ACVIM, ACAW; Gary Magdesian, DVM, Dipl. ACVIM, ACVECC; and W. David Wilson, BVMS, MS, MRCVS, offer important tips to prevent heat-related problems in horses. High environmental temperatures and related heat issues, including dehydration, exhaustion, and heat stroke, can occur in horses …


Stretching is when you take a muscle or set of muscle beyond its resting length, make it longer or wider without tearing or breaking and free of pain. Involuntary stretching of your muscles is called pandiculation. It’s a behavior seen in most types of animals to relieve muscle tension and relax. Stretching is important component …

Cold & Heat Therapy for Horses – Part II

Based on the article Cold & Heat Therapy, by Patrick Herbots, DVM In order to optimize function and reduce any existing disability in horses Equine Bodywork Therapist uses a variety of techniques, including cold and heat therapy. Typically, this therapy works on a 1:3 cold to heat ratio. First, apply cold for one minute, then …

Cold & Heat Therapy for Horses – Part I

Based on the article Cold & Heat Therapy, by Patrick Herbots, DVM Equine Bodywork Practitioner uses a variety of techniques for equine rehabilitation, including cold and heat therapy. It helps to optimize function and reduce any existing disability. Typically, this therapy works on a 1:3 cold to heat ratio. First, apply cold for one minute, …

Horse First Aid Kits

Every barn should have a horse first aid kit. It should be clearly marked, easily visible and accessible, kept where your horses are located, contain current, non-expired products. A second aid kit should be made if horses are travelling. It is much easier to remain calm when faced with a horse injury if you know …